VIP3 study

The VIP3 is currently being planned.
Stay tuned for updates.

Local investigotors who participated in other VIP-studies will be informed of news of VIP3.
If you are visiting the site for the first time and would to be notified of news of the VIP3-study
please drop us a short note: contact @

Thank you!

VIP3 study coordinators:

Christian JungPrincipal investigator of VIP study group and German coordinator, ESICM HRSO section chair
christian . jung @ med . uni-duesseldorf . de
Dusseldorf, Germany
Hans FlaattenPrincipal Investigator of the VIP study group, past ESICM HSRO section chair
hans . flaatten @ uib . no
Bergen, Norway
Bertrand GuidetPrincipal Investigator of the VIP study group and French coordinator
bertrand . guidet @ aphp . fr
Paris, France
Dylan W de LangeThe Netherlands coordinator, past ESICM HRSO section chair
d . w . delange @ umcutrecht . nl
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Jesper FjølnerDanish coordinator
jespfjoe @ rm . dk
Viborg, Denmark
Lina De Geerlina . de . geer @ regionostergotland . seLinköping, Sweden
Rui MorenoPortuguese coordinator
r . moreno @ mail . telepac . pt
Lisboa, Portugal
Sigal SviriIsraeli coordinator
sigal . sviri @ gmail . com
Jerusalem, Israel
Susannah LeaverUnited Kingdom coodinator
susannahleaver @ nhs . net
London, England