VIP1 study

Overview of the VIP1 study (POETICS in UK)

This study addressed the ICU care of the very old, defined as patients ≥ 80 years, admitted to the ICU. The study was the first large multinational study, with a basis in Europe, to study the frequency of ICU admission in the very old patients and the use of common ICU resources including ICU and hospital LOS. Outcome was registered as outcome at ICU discharge and at 30 days. We also studied the feasibility of a very simple frailty index. Patients were recruited from October 2016 to May 2017.

The results from VIP1 were published in Intensive Care Medicine and other journals.
View the previously published papers from the VIP1 study.
The VIP1 results were also presented at ESICM Lives 2017 and was voted a 2017 top 3 publication at ESICM 2018.
The VIP1 study was endorsed by ESICM (European Society of Intensive Care Medicine).
The VIP1-study was called the POETICS study in Great Britain.

VIP1 steering group and country coordinators

Christian JungPrincipal investigator of VIP study group and German coordinator, ESICM HRSO section chair
christian . jung @ med . uni-duesseldorf . de
Dusseldorf, Germany
Hans FlaattenPrincipal Investigator of the VIP study group, past ESICM HSRO section chair
hans . flaatten @ uib . no
Bergen, Norway
Bertrand GuidetPrincipal Investigator of the VIP study group and French coordinator
bertrand . guidet @ aphp . fr
Paris, France
Dylan W de LangeThe Netherlands coordinator, past ESICM HRSO section chair
d . w . delange @ umcutrecht . nl
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Akos CsomosHungarian coordinator
Budapest, Hungary
Andreas ValentinAustrian coordinator
andreas . valentin @ meduniwien . ac . at
Vienna, Austria
Antonio ArtigasSpanish coordinator
aartigas @ tauli . cat
Barcelona, Spain
Bernardo Bollen PintoSwiss coordinator
bernardo . bollenpinto @ hcuge . ch
Geneva, Switzerland
Brian MarshIrish coordinator
bmarsh @ mater . ie
Dublin, Ireland
Christina ÖhmanSwedish coordinator
Stockholm, Sweden
Finn AndersenNorwegian coordinator
finn . h . andersen @ helse-mr . no
Ålesund, Norway
Guido BertoliniItalian coordinator
guido . bertolini @ marionegri . it
Milan, Italy
Jesper FjølnerDanish coordinator
jespfjoe @ rm . dk
Viborg, Denmark
Maurizio CecconiItalian coordinator
maurizio . cecconi @ hunimed . eu
Milan, Italy
Primož GradišekSlovenian coordinator
Ljublljana, Slovenia
Rui MorenoPortuguese coordinator
r . moreno @ mail . telepac . pt
Lisboa, Portugal
Sandra OeyenBelgian coordinator
sandra . oeyen @ ugent . be
Ghent, Belgium
Seyed Mohammad Reza HashemianIranian coordinator
Tehran, Iran
Steffen ChristensenDanish coordinator
steffen . christensen @ auh . rm . dk
Aarhus, Denmark
Tilemachos Zafeiridis †Greek coordinator
Larissa, Greece
Wojciech SzczeklikPolish coordinator
wszczeklik @ gmail . com
Krakow, Poland
Ximena WatsonUnited Kingdom coordinator
ugm2xw @ doctors . org . uk
London, England

VIP1 papers

Se the papers page.