The VIP-network conducts collaborative, multinational studies on Very Old Intensive Care patients.
We’re planning the VIP3-study.
See a list of published papers.
Most recent VIP publications
2024-06-22: Beil M et al. Prognosticating the outcome of intensive care in older patients-a narrative review. Ann Intensive Care.2024-05-10: Jacobs JM et al. Critical care beyond organ support: the importance of geriatric rehabilitation. Ann Intensive Care.
2024-05-10: Jacobs JM et al. Critical care beyond organ support: the importance of geriatric rehabilitation. Ann Intensive Care.
2024-03-30: de Lange DW et al. The association of premorbid conditions with 6-month mortality in acutely admitted ICU patients over 80 years. Ann Intensive Care.
2024-02-22: Duncan CF et al. 30-day mortality among very old patients admitted to European intensive care units for major trauma. Gerontology. .
See the VIP-papers page for a list of studies from the VIP-network.